Hello, my name is Bartosz, I invite you to a short story about my world. My fascination with this profession began as a young boy. As I grew into a more intelligent man, I became interested in cars, different and colorful, large and small. I was wondering how they work. And I started learning. Then I tried some minor electrical repairs, it gave me satisfaction and a lot of joy that I fixed what was broken, and a complete stranger thanked me for fixing it. That's why I still enjoy this passion and hobby to this day. I am doubly happy when I see the satisfaction on your faces, I can go back home or to work or go on a date with a girl or a boy... 😁 From fascination, sometimes to frustration, 😁 to passion, hobby, everyday joy.
Bartosz - your partner in keeping your car in proper condition
A car electrician is a specialist who identifies and repairs faults in a vehicle's electrical and electronic systems. What is he doing? * Diagnoses: Using specialized tools, he analyzes the operation of various car systems, such as: * Engine * Braking system * Security systems (ABS, ESP) * Vehicle electrical system * Detects faults: Thanks to computer diagnostics, the diagnostician precisely determines the cause of problems. * Repairs: After identifying the fault, the diagnostician replaces the damaged parts or makes necessary repairs. Why is this needed? Modern cars are becoming more and more complicated, and their operation is based on many electronic systems. Electrical diagnostics are necessary to keep your car in good technical condition and ensure driving safety. To sum up, an electrical diagnostician is a professional who will make sure that your car operates efficiently and without failures.